~ Der L0ve♥ ix lYk - CupcaKe with CherrY* on D t0p :D ~
♥ !! - She'x BeautifuL c0sh' He L0vex her - She SmiLe c0sh' He lYkes it - !! ♥
0L She' want ix His Smiles - :D ♥
She♥ G0t a p0cket fulL 0f' Sunshines & SmiLes :D - Hehehe* [ wink ~ wink ] ♥
She'x LYk a StarR * -
- She'x Hiz' Evrythin ..
She'x Hiz AnGel♥ .. Up Ab0ve d w0rLD * -
- She'x d 0nlii 0ne Wh0 understanD Him' ..
She'x d 0ne .. Wanna make Him' betTah Man♥ * -
- She'x HigHer than d SkY * - D sun * - D m0on * -
She'x His* StarR ♥ :D
- She waz jex az 0ne 0f d ♥ Ch0c0late chip* flav0ured Ice-Cream f0e him - he had realY nj0ii'D 0L d ch0co-chip wit in a tYm
- theY get int0 fights . . theY argue al0t . . & then theY 0Lwax ♥ Kiss ♥ and make Up - :D
She Smiled' - She'x Smiling - Shel'lL b Smiling ♥ & she'L b his ShininG ShtarR * .!! :)
He Saiii'z - ♥
She'x mYne -
If Y0uuu break HerR* hearT :x
I'lL break Y0urR Face -
She'x just Left BlushinG ♥ fuhevah .!! ♥
She'♥ :) - She'♥ Shines* .!! :D
F0e her Jes Livin' isn't Enuff - She Needz Sunshine♥ f0e l0vely daii .. Freed0m t0 flY higher lYk a Buttalflii♥ .. A liddle fl0wer♥ t0 spread fragrance ar0un .. Lil' StarRz t0 Shine♥ right ab0ve in d skY ..& Rainb0w t0 SwinG♥ 0vah .!! Daz d waiii SHE' ♥ Wanna Live♥ :D Hamesha & f0e-evah .!
D Gift She wan' :p Umm .. D same Bracelet♥ whch shud hav .. SmiLY balL - f0e der Smilex♥ .. Fl0wer - t0 spread fragrance 0f der l0ve ar0un .. ButtalflY - t0 keep der spiritx higher* .. Eiffel t0wer - indicates f0evah L0ve* ♥ .. Star - t0 shine♥ in darkness t0o .. & Last - HearT' .. Diz 0ne heart - itx ' ♥ derx'
♥ ' T0getha .. Hamesha & F0evah .!!
S0me of d Charms - 0Ld & New ♥
She’ h8♥ Him . . & 0lwax wilL♥ .!!
.. She'♥ kn0wz .. She'z 0lwaz Been Blessed♥ .. C0z ,, She'z *Pretty Pwincess* - No0hH Hiz'♥ *Cute Pwincess* - Hehe* .!! (:
- 0L SHE wantz .. Iz " Cr0wn .. Diam0ndz & Pearlz .. Magic wand .. Feather winGz " .!! -
& She' will be His PerfecT FairrY ♥ :D
~ His Arms♥ are Her Castle* .. His HearT♥ iz Her SkY -
- TheY wipe awaii Her Tears dah She CrY -
D g0od & bad tYmes* DEy've been thru 'em 0l .. (:
Y0u make meh Rise* when I falL - ♥
c0z evrytYm Dey t0uch* SHe gt diz feelin' ♥
& evrytYm v kiss* ..She gt static -
She wan diz t0 lasT .. She need Him by Her sYde * ♥ - (:
- Beautiful & Graceful , varied & enchanting , small buh appr0acable , 'She' - buttalflii♥ lead Him t0 sunny side 0f life* -
& He deserves a liddLe *SunShine* ♥
It's The sHweet ♥ that He gve to her
That makes Him Believe Dey can maKe it Thru anything
'Cause wHen it aLL cOmes dOwn
n He’x feeling Lyk I'll nEver Last
He jus Lean On Her 'cause -
SHe’x Her beTTer HaLF
- ♥