She lives in Her Daddy'x Gifted FairYLand -
- Her Laughing eyes & bouncing curls
Sugar & Spice & everything nice -
She'x Daddy's liDdle girl<3
She'x Mommy Shining star*
Dah'x what liddle girl* iz made 0f.
Liddle girl need n0o excuses -
She dress up 0lwaz like a *Perfect fairY-
She fly like a buttalfly ><3<
Lives like Pwinchessh*
& shtays like Angel<3
To have & h0ld.
D l0ve* she gives ssh0 freely .. Iz a rare & beautiful gift.
She brings d sunshine<3 right ind0ors
& gives y0ur heart a lift .. <3
With every busy, happy year -
She’x dearer dan bef0re -
Through every stage ..through every age*
You love her m0re and m0re .!!
0h G0d SHE' talk too much .. <3
Eeeee :p