Friday, December 31, 2010

Stupid cupid

i have made up my mind. i am walking away from you.

i was never with you any ways, so, how do i walk away from you ?

but, i have to. i don't have a choice. when i came closer to you each time, you never showed me a way, i understand , you were finding yourself one, we could have found one together, you who liked journeys didn't like me coming along.

you gave me reasons, for all the replies, there was just one meaning, that i still hate to believe, that you never 'liked' me.
i cried.
and realised that tears give strength.

i know, i will get you out of my mind one day, but right now, it feels impossible.
when did you come in ? and how ? i have no answers. i never had you anyway, still it is strange to believe that i have lost you.

this heart is so brittle. i cannot handle. it is just that, i love you, i do not know what would have happened if you would have loved me back.

may be i would have still cried and that would have been out of joy !

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sometimes She thinks' Sometimes she don't

She looks up at the building,
says shes thinking of jumping.
she says shes tired of life,
she must be tired of something.
Because a heart can't lie,
even though a face may try..

She told a lie, so they could both go their own ways.
Looking at the sky and how the colors on her face,
Painted herself an image filled with fear, and lined with grace.
Maybe someday they'll come back to this place.

She wish She could just make him turn around, turn around and see her cry
There's so much she need to say to him, so many reasons why
He's the only one who really knew her at all
So take a look at her now, there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind her, just the memory of his face
But to wait for Him is all She can do and that's what She've gotta face
Take a look at her now, She'll just be standing here
And Her coming back to Her is against the odds
And that's a chance She've gotta face.

She ain't a poet She is just troubled in the head,
This isn't a song of love it's a song about wanting her dead.
She got good news and She got bad news,
Good news is She died, bad news is only on the inside.

She’s wishing that someone could notice the insecurities behind her smile, and the tears behind her eyes.

She should've been a track star with the way
She ran from everything and everyone.
She ran before she could get close.
She ran before she could get hurt.
She ran before she could be ran from.
She ran from him.
She ran from herself.

She's scared to love
Because she’s scared to get hurt
So she assumes every words a lie
She breathes in deeply, as he enters her
not daring to look in his eyes
She listen to him quitely
But never says a word
Her true feelings are never to be heard
Smile across her mouth
But never in her eyes
To drown in her own tears
Because to never trust anyone
Is what she had learned for years.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

She' Loves Herslf D m0st -

When she glows it actuali sh0ws -

SmartY dressed Up
Headf0nes stuck in -
Walkin d0wn the streets -
Nicly she treats - her celf0n rings -
she'x like a star*
Buh T0o far -
Curly hair - Twinkling eYes*
Can make ne1 dIe ♥
Simple she smYLes :)
N0w -
Dax' abs0lutely Fyn & She' shYn'x

She' Lauf'x - She SparKx ♥

She'x d 0ne -
L0velY nature ..
Aws0me signature -
She' Smile'x Her DaddY'♥ Smile'x
She' Actualii giggLes - PlaY
Al0ng wit Her Daddy'♥
She' Iritates her m0m
Her DaddY helpx her 0ut - :D
M0m Arguez - Buh DaddY Buyx Her Gifts

Dax' d waii She lives ♥

| -She L0veeeex Her PaappeeeeeeY D m0st- |

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


~ Der L0ve♥ ix lYk - CupcaKe with CherrY* on D t0p :D ~

♥ !! - She'x BeautifuL c0sh' He L0vex her - She SmiLe c0sh' He lYkes it - !! ♥
0L She' want ix His Smiles - :D ♥
She♥ G0t a p0cket fulL 0f' Sunshines & SmiLes :D - Hehehe* [ wink ~ wink ] ♥

She'x LYk a StarR * -
- She'x Hiz' Evrythin ..
She'x Hiz AnGel♥ .. Up Ab0ve d w0rLD * -
- She'x d 0nlii 0ne Wh0 understanD Him' ..
She'x d 0ne .. Wanna make Him' betTah Man♥ * -
- She'x HigHer than d SkY * - D sun * - D m0on * -
She'x His* StarR ♥ :D

- She waz jex az 0ne 0f d ♥ Ch0c0late chip* flav0ured Ice-Cream f0e him - he had realY nj0ii'D 0L d ch0co-chip wit in a tYm

‎- theY get int0 fights . . theY argue al0t . . & then theY 0Lwax ♥ Kiss ♥ and make Up - :D
She Smiled' - She'x Smiling - Shel'lL b Smiling ♥ & she'L b his ShininG ShtarR * .!! :)

He Saiii'z - ♥

She'x mYne -
If Y0uuu break HerR* hearT :x
I'lL break Y0urR Face -

She'x just Left BlushinG ♥ fuhevah .!! ♥

She'♥ :) - She'♥ Shines* .!! :D
F0e her Jes Livin' isn't Enuff - She Needz Sunshine♥ f0e l0vely daii .. Freed0m t0 flY higher lYk a Buttalflii♥ .. A liddle fl0wer♥ t0 spread fragrance ar0un .. Lil' StarRz t0 Shine♥ right ab0ve in d skY ..& Rainb0w t0 SwinG♥ 0vah .!! Daz d waiii SHE' ♥ Wanna Live♥ :D Hamesha & f0e-evah .!

D Gift She wan' :p Umm .. D same Bracelet♥ whch shud hav .. SmiLY balL - f0e der Smilex♥ .. Fl0wer - t0 spread fragrance 0f der l0ve ar0un .. ButtalflY - t0 keep der spiritx higher* .. Eiffel t0wer - indicates f0evah L0ve* ♥ .. Star - t0 shine♥ in darkness t0o .. & Last - HearT' .. Diz 0ne heart - itx ' ♥ derx'
♥ ' T0getha .. Hamesha & F0evah .!!
S0me of d Charms - 0Ld & New ♥

She’ h8♥ Him . . & 0lwax wilL♥ .!!

.. She'♥ kn0wz .. She'z 0lwaz Been Blessed♥ .. C0z ,, She'z *Pretty Pwincess* - No0hH Hiz'♥ *Cute Pwincess* - Hehe* .!! (:

- 0L SHE wantz .. Iz " Cr0wn .. Diam0ndz & Pearlz .. Magic wand .. Feather winGz " .!! -
& She' will be His PerfecT FairrY ♥ :D
~ His Arms♥ are Her Castle* .. His HearT♥ iz Her SkY -
- TheY wipe awaii Her Tears dah She CrY -
D g0od & bad tYmes* DEy've been thru 'em 0l .. (:
Y0u make meh Rise* when I falL - ♥
c0z evrytYm Dey t0uch* SHe gt diz feelin' ♥
& evrytYm v kiss* ..She gt static -
She wan diz t0 lasT .. She need Him by Her sYde * ♥ - (:

- Beautiful & Graceful , varied & enchanting , small buh appr0acable , 'She' - buttalflii♥ lead Him t0 sunny side 0f life* -
& He deserves a liddLe *SunShine* ♥

It's The sHweet ♥ that He gve to her
That makes Him Believe Dey can maKe it Thru anything
'Cause wHen it aLL cOmes dOwn
n He’x feeling Lyk I'll nEver Last
He jus Lean On Her 'cause -
SHe’x Her beTTer HaLF
- ♥

Saturday, August 21, 2010

... & they lived happily ever after !

Gold of sunshine in her hair,
lips that shame the red red rose.
In ageless sleep, she finds repose.
Sleep, sleep, beauty bright,
Dreaming in the joys of night.

One look at her smile and could see the light shining everywhere.

There may be something there that wasn't there before.

There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the Pwinchesh.

Some day her Prince will come
Dey'll meet-
And away to his castle Dey'll g0
To be happy forever She know.

The sun has set! Make ready to welcome your princhesh!

“She slept, and dreamed that life was Beauty .. She woke, and found that life was 0ne 0f d Duty t0o”

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

& Da'x H0w She iz -

She lives in Her Daddy'x Gifted FairYLand -

- Her Laughing eyes & bouncing curls
Sugar & Spice & everything nice -
She'x Daddy's liDdle girl<3
She'x Mommy Shining star*
Dah'x what liddle girl* iz made 0f.
Liddle girl need n0o excuses -
She dress up 0lwaz like a *Perfect fairY-
She fly like a buttalfly ><3<
Lives like Pwinchessh*
& shtays like Angel<3
To have & h0ld.
D l0ve* she gives ssh0 freely .. Iz a rare & beautiful gift.
She brings d sunshine<3 right ind0ors
& gives y0ur heart a lift .. <3
With every busy, happy year -
She’x dearer dan bef0re -
Through every stage ..through every age*
You love her m0re and m0re .!!

0h G0d SHE' talk too much .. <3
Eeeee :p

N0n .. 0dah dn Pwinchessh * -

“ If a w0man♥ iz sufficiently ambiti0us, determined & gifted (sweet nature & laugh) - Derz iz practically n0ffin* SHE* can't d0oh ” ♥ (:

A rustle in the wind reminds us 0f Her* .. She'x near -
She has a fire burnin' insyd Her* heart -
Drivin' 0thers t0 pain ..
She destroy ,, She hurt -
F0e n0ffin t0 Gain -
Pe0ple k0l Her* Fairiee ♥ - If don't Wanna believe in her* .. Y0ur l0ssh* -
Ain't w0rth kn0win' :p

‎- She'x LiKe a StahrR * -
Which He Needs by His side - ♥
C0sh she * Shines bright *
- she'x d 0nlii 0ne can save his life :p
- she'x his Stahrr* .. she c0mplete his Angel wing * -
T0 him her v0ice sounds like Angel sings * ♥ :)

She'z D PwincessH♥ & d pea ..
Wel ,, Lessh Pwincessh* & m0re shrew -
0r sh0o she'z feelin'
D pea symb0lizin' 0l Her* Shtressh :p
She hab been sleepin' on it ol night* -
She'll b Pwincessh*♥ lyk t0mor0o .. She Pl0omish* -
Hey ,, atleast It's a pea n0h Watermel0n
see bec0min' m0re Pwincessh* lyk 0lready, l0okin' on Bright syd :p ♥
Eeee :D -

“ SHE will never be the w0man with the perfect hair, wh0 can wear white and n0t spill 0n it. ” :p
En diz iz H0w SHE* LIVES ♥ -

Diz iz h0w i'll remain -

- I'll c0mfort♥ y0u .. When i'll see y0u in pain'
I'll give y0u h0pe♥ .. When st0rmy daii'z reign-
I'll lift y0ur spirits♥ .. When y0ur em0tions drains*
I'll 0lwaz hear♥ y0u out .. When y0u need t0 c0mplain-
I'll give my smile♥ awaii .. When y0u need y0ur hapiness remains*
& dis iz h0w i'll remain * - ♥

‎- Rabba* Dukh na devin Yaar mere nu ,, Shaanu chahe Dukhan da Pahaar de de ♥ .. Dukh hove na kade naseeb uss nu ,, Bhaave meri shaari khushiyan yaar nu de de ♥ ..
- Rahe mushkaan 0hde mukhh te shaadah - Naale BanKe 0hdi Akhan De Hanjh0o Te 0hde Saare Dukh Pee Jaava .!! * ♥ :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

F0e Her .. He'z PerfecT -

F0e her .. HE iz PERFECT - ♥ *

He t0ok her HanD & he KissHeD* it.. ♥
Then he sw0opeD* her up* onto his HorsHe.!! ♥ * -
& the Beautifui PwincessH* ♥ & the HandsHome Prince* ♥ r0de* 0ff t0 his casHtle.. ..where They* lived HappiLY* ever after.!! ♥ - *

D0oh Fairy taLes* come true, Dad? =x(
n0psh.. Buh Dleamx* c0me true :D ♥ -

Her Heart♥ G0es B0om-Bo0m* When she Hear^ his v0ice .. ♥ * -
When she HeaR ♥ his V0ice* she *BLusH - ..
She *BLush*=p & .. she SmiLe* :) .!! ♥ x333 * -
She SmiLe ♥ * - & She ..umm.. ShhhH** .! ♥ * =p
& *Everytime* ..She MissH* him^ ♥ - She Fall^ in Lubh* ♥ with Him^ M0re* & M0re* x333 *

Buh S0methin wr0ng happened with her ..

Shmile * waz olwaysh meant t0 give away - ♥* ..
She Jes d0oh it -

Buh u kn0w wa ..?

She Misses* - D way she use t0 " BLush " .. When being suddenly pampred & kissed ♥ ♥ * -

ShE wuz .. She iz .. She will be deAhRr T0 H0Ld up* ..
Buh she misses* his Back up * ♥ -

ShE shines' - she smiles*
She giggles - she cries* -
She sh0uts - she gets iritate !
She do0h make mistakes -
Buh ovah dah - 0l dis c0z 'f he ♥
C0z she ♥* him ..
Buh .. D0 y0u knw wa -
Shez d 0ne -wh0
He LEFT behind* - !!

She wuz n0t upshet^ .. She'z jusht em0tionaly challenged* -

& ..

As time g0es .. She’z s0methin’

She don't wanna be like 'em *
0l hair* & make-up* & short skirts*
& 0l dah, wel-Perfectness^ ♥ -
She don't wan 0l the b0iz* dr0olin' 0ver Her*
She don't wan any of dah.. =x(
She just wanna be Herslf*♥
She’z true* t0 herself^ & dah's 0l dah matters^
If guys like* her f0e wh0 She iz ♥ =p
well then dah'x great.. She kn0w She succeeded^ ♥ * -

Sunday, July 18, 2010

h0w much i l0ve y0u -

Time shines .. Time fades-
L0v dies .. L0v stays! ♥
Past-present-future .. Aint 2gthr -
Buh dey 0lwaz b0ther-
My l0v 4 u evrydai its wit new spark*
Nithr wil fade .. N0r it'l die ♥
Past-present-future .. Aint 2gthr-
Dey'l b0ther-
Buh i pr0mise to stay f0reva♥
Thru hard as wel go0j times-
Jus 2 c ur hapines n smile*
Can evn die in a while!-

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why n0t me - The seat next t0 y0urs ??

What sh0uld I explain y0u..
H0w sh0uld I explain y0u..
What y0u mean t0 me ..
H0w much y0u mean t0 me ..

D0 i need t0 tell y0u ..I cant live with0ut y0u..

If s0..

Then..yeah! I realy cant live with0ut y0u..

Y0u are my heart beat - My Life ..My World !
My heart g0es b0om -b0om when I hear y0ur name..
My face gets BIG SMILE when I hear y0ur v0ice..

Buh ..d0 I need t0 explain y0u all this??

What should & h0w sh0uld I d0 that ..

S0metimes i feel..

Even knowing evrythin..Y0u just pass aay thr0ugh my breath ..

D0 i need t0 tell y0u that i just have tears & tears ..
When y0u are apart ..

Buh..It seems i'll get evrything what I want when I just see y0u back fr0nt 0f me ..

N0w its just ..All i left is to Hug all th0se mem0ries..

C0z i d0nt have the right ..May be i have buh..

C0z My Life w0nt even tell ..what actualy and where I lacked behind..

What exactly 0ne need in to be loved & beloved ??

My Life - y0u dint d0 it right..
heart - it was earlier in tw0 pices & still it is in tw0 pices ..

Earlier it was - half & half of b0th ..
Buh n0w its onli mine..

May be its my fault ..or My w0rld - My life ..
Are we gonna REGRET - ..MAy be yes we are actualy..

My Life ..My w0rld.. My heart beats..
They aint with me..
They are far & far & far ..Apart ..

What is so special ab0ut being away fr0m me ??

I always had t0 ..always did.. & always tell y0u..

H0w much y0u mean to me..

Why n0t me - The seat next t0 y0urs ??

I cant blame My life..My w0rld..f0r anything..

c0z s0metimes we need to f0ll0w r0ughest path ..wr0ng turn ..0r may its right..

Why sh0uld I stop My life - Have n0 right..


Still My Life with me..Being n0t with me..
& i smile..c0z i hear y0ur v0ice..
& My heart pumps.. c0z of y0ur name..

Buh d0 I need to tell y0u ..
H0w much y0u mean t0 me..
h0w much I love My Life ..My W0rld..

& I am still Waiting..
C0z y0u d0nt kn0w what y0u mean t0 me ..

What sh0uld & h0w sh0uld i explain y0u all this??

D0 i need to ??

Why n0t me - The seat next t0 y0urs..??

SORRY - I was never w0rth f0r My Life ..My w0rld..


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Every girl feels like an Angel
Daddy’s princess..

Lives in her own dreamland
-running behind butterflies
_touching the softness of flowers_
-feelin’ the aroma of nature’s beauty-

Seeing the dreams
Makin’ plans to fulfill
-by actulay living d\those dreams..

Talks with her own
..walks with along herself..
Smilin’ at herself seeing in the mirror
-roaring inside when messed around with something..

The one with Beautiful Mind..
-Lovely thinking..
Amazingly caressed of her own feelin’s
Lovin herself the most..
That’s what..
- A bit about every..
- -“WOMEN”-

Even I’m from one of those women..
Smilin’ away, giglin’ away..
Talking with myself-walkin’ with my shadow..

Dreamin’ of something-
Desire to fulfill them..

Thinkin’ like an ANGEL
Livin’ like PRINCESS..

Dreamin’ of success
-and of some prince.

Met you as a stranger
Took you as a friend

Day or night
Or dawn to dusk..

Everyday or the other
Always in thinking of being friends forever…

Closer and closer
-jealusy and possesivness..
Feelin’s like Trust,Respect& Loyal
Became a part of are friendship..

Buh it was something more than that..
Scared of losin’ each other
Never-ever getting the feelin’ of apartness..

More of LOVE and LOVE and LOVE..

Scared of accepting that love
Feelin’ that love
Livin that love..

Coz, never know what DESTINY bought for us..

As supporting is part of love
My Prince made me convinced
-to give myself the other chance..

Now that’s what somethin’ like
Takin’ an entry ticket for dreamland

Livin’ in that dreamland without My Prince-Charmin’ wasn’t enough!

Now there, where he gave me his hand..

Passion, love lust.. “LIFE”


Love isn’t complete without
Fights, possessiveness, anger & jealousy..

Seein’ My Life with him, livin’ that life with him..
Teasin’ , carin’ , prayin’..
Lovin’ fightin, hurtin’..but always with a reason behind it..

Coz everytime I talked with My Prince
I fall in love once again..

But there came the time.. when it was more of fights..

Like , stayin in dreamland
And someone shaken you up to come out of it..

If you running behind the butterflies
It was like don’t follow them,

If you touchin the flowers
It was like let them sleep,

If you feelin the aroma of nature’s beauty
It was like you disturbing the nature

Made me felt always

And me being an angel
Living like princess
How can I do such kind of work?

I myself got the feelin’
I’m wrong..
Im doing something bad..

That was all coz I never wannit to lose my love..

Fighting for the reasons..
I always thought I HURT YOU
I’m NOT worth for YOU.


YOU made me realized I’M WRONG!

Since then,

Thought of keeping SILENCE around..

Let the butterflies fly away,,
Let the flowers sleep
And let the nature spread their aroma..

That’s how started living again..
Just to see My Prince Happy..

Always, thought of,
Keep him away from my stuborness
Nomore irritating him..

I never knew My Prince..
Want to live in other dreamland..
Thinking of being in other dreamland..

He is happy in dreamland
But can’t stay in this dreamland..




As like every other fairy tale story..
Let him go, let him choose what he wish..

Ifd he’s happy in that dreamland
I’m happy seeing him happy..


But those words will echo’ in my heart forever
May be after letting you go..



One question ..

What was so different about that dreamland?