A rustle in the wind reminds us 0f Her* .. She'x near -
She has a fire burnin' insyd Her* heart -
Drivin' 0thers t0 pain ..
She destroy ,, She hurt -
F0e n0ffin t0 Gain -
Pe0ple k0l Her* Fairiee ♥ - If don't Wanna believe in her* .. Y0ur l0ssh* -
Ain't w0rth kn0win' :p
- She'x LiKe a StahrR * -
Which He Needs by His side - ♥
C0sh she * Shines bright *
- she'x d 0nlii 0ne can save his life :p
- she'x his Stahrr* .. she c0mplete his Angel wing * -
T0 him her v0ice sounds like Angel sings * ♥ :)

She'z D PwincessH♥ & d pea ..
Wel ,, Lessh Pwincessh* & m0re shrew -
0r sh0o she'z feelin'
D pea symb0lizin' 0l Her* Shtressh :p
She hab been sleepin' on it ol night* -
She'll b Pwincessh*♥ lyk t0mor0o .. She Pl0omish* -
Hey ,, atleast It's a pea n0h Watermel0n
see bec0min' m0re Pwincessh* lyk 0lready, l0okin' on Bright syd :p ♥
Eeee :D -
“ SHE will never be the w0man with the perfect hair, wh0 can wear white and n0t spill 0n it. ” :p
En diz iz H0w SHE* LIVES ♥ -
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